Palestra Authorial Multiplicities: The Novels by Banville, Black and Several Other Twins (2014-2022)

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Palestra Authorial Multiplicities: The Novels by Banville, Black and Several Other Twins (2014-2022), da Profª Drª Aurora Piñero (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México- UNAM; Coordenadora da Cátedra de Estudos Irlandeses). A palestra será realizada na sala 271 do Prédio de Letras da USP, em 6 de outubro de 2022, às 18h.


Aurora Piñeiro is Full Professor in the English Department at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), where she teaches seminars on contemporary narrative in English, including works by authors such as Banville, Tóibín, Enright, Donoghue and Keegan. Some of her published articles on Irish writers include: “La partida y el retorno en Ulises, de James Joyce” (2022); “Humour and the Gods: Reshaping Traditions in The Infinities by John Banville” (2021); “Postmodern Pastiche: The Case of Mrs Osmond by John Banville” (2020); “Y en la página codo a codo somos mucho más que dos’: Banville y Black, multiplicidades autorales” (2019); “Un tema y tres variaciones: el caso Albert Nobbs” (2019); “The Evidential Artist: A Conversation with John Banville” (2016). She contributed, as a translator, in the Anne Enright EFACIS Project (2022) and in the John Banville EFACIS Project (2018). She was head of the PAPIME Research Project “Contemporary Anglo-Irish Literature (XX and XXI centuries), from 2019 to 2021, at UNAM, where she is also head of the Eavan Boland-Anne Enright Irish Studies Chair.


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