What is Latin America’s reaction to the Irish revolution? What kind of comparative studies has the Irish revolution inspired in Latin American countries? How much has Irish nationalism affected the understanding of Latin American revolutions? What kind of iconography has circulated during the revolutionary period? Did the Irish revolution have an impact on theatre, fiction, poetry, film making in Latin America? Are there any monuments, sites of remembrance or artistic representations of the Irish historical period in Latin America?
It was around these core questions that organizers invite scholars to submit an essay for possible inclusion in a book form publication compiling the wide range of discussions mobilized during this project. The years to be covered are mainly between 1916 and 1923 – from the 1916 rising to the end of the Irish civil war. But this is not prescriptive as different countries in Latin America may have had longer associations with Ireland and had different interactions before independence and later in the 1930s etc.
Important Dates:
Last extension of deadlines for 2022:
Abstracts: January 20th
Decision Date: January 30th
First Draft: April 20th
Final Version: June 10th
Forthcoming publication: September-October 2022.
For more information, click here.